Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thai USS3 Rubber Prices Rise; Some Calm Restored

[Dow Jones] Physical prices of Thai USS3 rubber rise to THB102.37-THB103.55/kg vs THB98-THB101.55/kg
Tuesday, as bellwether Tocom rebounds; some calm restored to the market after producers expressed support for natural
rubber prices on Monday and Tuesday; arrivals low amid the low-production season, some stockpiling may be taking place
after the Thai government pledged to maintain prices at no less than THB120/kg, says a trader. Outside the central
markets, factories are paying THB100-THB109/kg. Sales in Thailand's three central markets total around 9.22 tons
Wednesday versus 51.9 tons Tuesday: 6.3 tons in Hat Yai, 0.62 tons in Surat Thani, 2.3 tons in Chandee.

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